Solistice Dream - Woven Petals and Pollen Gathering
I have been stitching quite a bit lately, I have more projects started than normal and I want to finish Solstice Dream before the end of 2017. I finished stitching Woven Petals and Pollen Gathering. I now have more than half of the blocks are completed.
The woven petal block has feathered chain stitch in the leaves which adds an interesting look to the leaves. I sewed blocks one through eight together, these blocks are 18" by 24".
Good Morning Phyllis, I am Joline Albaugh who also loves Sue Spargo and right now just finishing up my Folk Tails quilt. I am wondering if you would like to come to the Tucson Quilt Guild. Could you please contact me about this?
Good Morning Phyllis, I am Joline Albaugh who also loves Sue Spargo and right now just finishing up my Folk Tails quilt. I am wondering if you would like to come to the Tucson Quilt Guild. Could you please contact me about this?