This is my version of Sue Spargo's Tootin' Along quilt. I changed the generic auto with VW Bugs which are loved by myself and my daughter, Marcie. We have always driven blue Bugs, my first VW was a dark blue 1969 VW Bug with a flowered vinyl roof. Two years ago, someone made a left turn in front of my daughter and her lovely blue bug was totaled. I could only find a yellow VW Bug to replace the blue VW, hence the lone yellow VW on the lower left of the quilt. The quilt was machine quilted by Gina Perkes. The quilt is 23 1/2" by 37".
Marcie is also a dog lover, so I added some wooden dog buttons I found in Houston a few years ago. There is a poodle on the upper right of the quilt. Emmie is Marcie's miniature poodle.
Very sweet, Phyl! I am also a VW Bug fan. My first and second cars were both white bugs and I put many miles on those two cars. In the late 60's I took an acrylic painting class in college and invited friends over and we had a painting party... and used up all of my leftover paints to decorate my Bug. It was definitely one of a kind. I sold it in 1983 for $500. It was the paint job that sold that car and the happy new owner took it when he moved to Michigan...
That's really cute, Phyl -- I love the way your personalized it with the VW bugs and a button to represent adorable Emma!